Structural Biology
Pioneer in structural biology services
In-house cryo-EM and more than 7,000 X-Ray structures solved
Proteros heritage lies in Protein X-Ray structures. Based on a 30 years academic history, rewarded by a Nobel Prize of Prof. Dr. Dr. Robert Huber related to protein crystallography, Proteros became one of the first service provider focusing on structural biology (please refer to "our history").
We represent a very large and well experienced X-Ray crystallography service group, covering more than 25 structural biologists, including 4 cryo-EM experts, all with a strong academic pedigree, numerous peer reviewed publications and have solved more than 7,000 structures.
Our technology platform includes co-ownership of a synchrotron beamline at the well-known Swiss Light Source and proprietary technologies (Free Mounting System) for crystal optimization.
Proteros Premium Structural Services
We offer premium X-Ray and cryo-EM services covering:
- The RIGHT protein science and construct design
- Crystallization, data collection, structure determination
- Access to X-ray including synchrotron and in-house cryo-EM
- Membrane proteins / epigenetic complexes
- Protein complexes / protein-DNA/RNA complexes
- Protein/lipid kinases / proteases
- Biologics (Fab-Antigen structures).
Proteins, Structures and Assays
Select an option:
Structural Biology Services
Elucidation of even the most complex structures through the delivery of the RIGHT protein and application of high-resolution protein crystallography and cryo-EM
X-Ray Gallery Structures
Proteros has established protein production and crystallization protocols for hundreds of targets. Search our gallery database for your target of interest.
Accelerated timelines for receipt of your desired structure!
Why Gallery Structures?
- Broad access to established crystal systems
- Synchrotron data collection
- High success rate
- Very short timelines
If your target of interest is not listed, please consider our "Gene-to-Structure" or Custom Services.

Photo source/credit: Paul Scherrer Institute
X-ray Gene-to-Structure
Industrialized protein crystallography services with co-ownership of a synchrotron beamline for high-resolution structural elucidation.
Proteros Crystallography service can include:
- Construct definition, protein production, and purification
- Crystallization screening across up to 2,000 initial conditions
- In-house crystal diffraction quality check
- Data collection at the Swiss Light Source, SLS, industrial Beamline PXII and structure analysis
- Synergistic access to in-house biophysical ligand-target interaction analyses: functional expression, protein stability, correct folding, glycosylation patterns, target-ligand affinity, kinetics and residence time.

Cryo-EM Structures
We have already industrialized Protein X-Ray Crystallography – now we are industrializing Protein cryo-EM !
Proteros cryo-EM Service includes:
- Protein preparation for cryo-EM
- EM-feasibility analysis
- Cryo-EM condition optimization
- Low/High resolution cryo-EM structure analysis
Proteros X-Ray & cryo-EM Technology
Proteros X-Ray Crystallography Technology Access
- Robotics for efficient and reliable drop setting
- 2,000 initial crystallization conditions (based on 20 years+ experience and refinement)
- Automated systems to monitor crystallization events + integrated database
- Proprietary Free Mounting System (FMS-Laser, FMS-Aerosol Generator, FMS-cryo switch)
- In-house, highly brilliant rotating anode X-ray generator (FRE-plus Rigaku)
- Proprietary automated pipeline for data processing and structure solution (MIR/MAD/SAD and Molecular Replacement)
- Remote and on-site access to high brilliance industrial undulator beamline PXII (X10SA) at Swiss Light Source
- Member of the GlobalPhasing consortium
- Vitrobot Mark IV
- Tecnai Spirit and Phillips CM100 negative staining EM microscopes
- Glacios cryo-EM microscope with high-end Falcon 4 detector
- Access to Titan Krios cryo-EM high resolution cryo-EM microscopy
Learn about our Crystallography platformCRYO-EM
Learn about our cryo-EM platformOur structural biology track record
Proteros has a continuous track record of more than two decade with global Pharma and Biotech in the USA, Europe, and AP, unlocking technically demanding and novel targets for small molecule drug discovery.
- Uncovered more than 250 different targets over the last 3 years including membrane proteins, epigenetic protein complexes, RNA/DNA binding proteins, proteases, kinases, phosphatases and lipases
- Completed more than 6,000 structural biology projects, averaging 700+ meaningful and valuable structures per year for drug discovery research
- 200+ Gallery Structures established with defined protein production and crystal condition recipes for swift Protein-Ligand structure determination
- Our project success rate is >90% in terms of quality, reaching milestones and timelines
Why choose Proteros for Structure Biology?
Running the Right Crystallization Screen
High-throughput Crystallization Platform, Proprietary Tools and Experience
Crystal and Data Collection Optimization
Co-Ownership of Synchrotron Beamline
Structural Elucidation
Proprietary LIMS, Analysis Workflow & Expertise
Demand for Biophysical Interaction Analysis
Premium Assays, Biophysics, and Screening Services
Defining the Right Protein Construct
Industrialized Protein Science Capability